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Is there something you would like to see included in this library? Please contact Erin Bonney Casey ( if you would like something added.

20242024 Annual Meeting Slides: PIE Presentation & Ipswich Mills Dam Courson, M., Shea, N., Villa, C.
20242024 Annual Meeting Slides: Chebacco Lake & Watershed Association Lash, David
20242024 Annual Meeting: Dammed River Blues SongDart, Mary & Wood, Susan
20242024 Annual Meeting Worksheet on Meaningful Community Engagement Courson, M.
20232023 Annual Meeting SlidesBonney Casey, E.
20222022 Annual Meeting SlidesBonney Casey, E.
20212021 Annual Meeting SlidesShea, N.
20212021 Annual Meeting SlidesSteering Committee
20192019 Annual Meeting SlidesSteering Committee
20192019 MVP Presentation SlidesMVP Regional Coordinators
20192019 Net Neutral Ipswich SlidesTown of Ipswich
20192019 Water Conservation SlidesDER and DEP
20192019 Howlett Brook SlidesTrout Unlimited
20192019 Greenscapes SlidesGreenscapes Northshore
2019Great Marsh Barrier Mitigation Shaw, K.C.
2019Implementing a Tidal Crossing ProtocolShaw, K.C.
2018Great Marsh Barriers AssessmentKelder, B.
2017American Rivers Dam Removal DatabaseAmerican Rivers
2017Great Marsh Coastal Adaptation PlanSchottland, T.; Merriam, M.G.; Hilke, C.;Grubbs, K.; Castonguay, W.
2017Ipswich River Coastal Bank Stabilization Pilot Project: Task 3 Report - Bank Restoration Recommendations AppendixHorsley Witten Group
2017Ipswich River Coastal Bank Stabilization Pilot Project: Task 3 Report - Bank Restoration RecommendationsHorsley Witten Group
2017Ipswich River Coastal Bank Stabilization Pilot Project: Task 3 ReportConeco Engineers
2017Ipswich River Coastal Bank Stabilization Pilot Project: Task 2 ReportConeco Engineers
2016Herring Count Volunteer Monitoring Program - 2016 Annual Results ReportO'Donnell, R,
2016Ipswich River Coastal Bank Stabilization Pilot Project, Ipswich, MA: Task 2 ReportHorsley Witten Group
2016Ipswich Watershed Resource AssessmentMA Department of Environmental Protection
2015Green Infrastructure Opportunities that Arise During Municipal OperationsUS Environmental Protection Agency
2015Updated Massachusetts Bays Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan [Draft]MA Bays Program
2014Watershed Approach Handbook: Improving Outcomes and Increasing Benefits Associated with Wetland and Stream Restoration and Protection ProjectsEnvironmental Law Institute; The Nature Conservancy
2014Coastal Stormwater Management Through Green Infrastructure: A Handbook for MunicipalitiesUS Environmental Protection Agency
2014Enhancing Sustainable Communities With Green InfrastructureUS Environmental Protection Agency
2014Getting to Green: Paying for Green InfrastructureUS Environmental Protection Agency
2014PIE-Rivers Stream Continuity Survey - Final ReportKelder, B.
2014Ipswich Mills Dam Partial Feasibility StudyHorsley Witten Group; GEI Consultants; Clean Soils Environmental
2013EPA Region 5
Wetlands Supplement: Incorporating Wetlands into Watershed Planning
US Environmental Protection Agency
2013A Handbook for Prioritizing Wetland and Stream Restoration and Protection Using Landscape Analysis ToolsEric Sweeney, Philip Womble, Jessica B. Wilkinson, Rebecca Kihslinger and Judith Amsalem
2013Case Studies Analyzing the Economic Benefits of Low Impact Development and Green Infrastructure ProgramsUS Environmental Protection Agency
2012Banking on Green: A Look at How Green Infrastructure Can Save Municipalities Money and Provide Economic Benefits Community-WideAmerican Rivers; Water Environment Federation; American Society of Landscape Architects; ECONorthwest
2011Forging the Link: Linking the Economic Benefits of Low Impact Development and Community DecisionsUniversity of NH Stormwater Center
2011Elevation of the March–April 2010 Flood High Water in Selected River Reaches in Central and Eastern MassachusettsZarriello, P.; Bent, G.
2011Managing the Great Marsh ACEC - Next Steps?Horsley Witten Group
2011Factors influencing riverine fish assemblages in MassachusettsArmstrong, D.S.; Richards, T.A.; Levin, S.B.
2011An Assessment of River Herring Stocks in MassachusettsNelson, G.; Brady, P.; Sheppard, J.; Armstrong, M.
2010The Value of Green Infrastructure: A Guide to Recognizing its Economic, Environmental, and Social BenefitsCenter for Neighborhood Technology; American Rivers
2010Piscataqua Region 2010 Comprehensive Conservation and Management PlanPiscataqua Region Estuaries Partnership
2010The Massachusetts Sustainable-Yield EstimatorArchfield, S.; Vogel, R.; Steeves, P.; Brandt, S.; Weiskel, P.; Garabedian, S.
2010Effects of Low-Impact-Development (LID) Practices on Streamflow, Runoff Quantity, and Runoff Quality in the Ipswich River Basin, MassachusettsZimmerman, M.; Waldron, M.; Barbaro, J.; Sorenson, J.
2010Preliminary Assessment of Factors Influencing Riverine Fish Communities in MassachusettsArmstrong, D.; Richards, T.; Brandt, S.L
2009Development of Target Fish Community Models for Massachusetts Mainstem RiversKashiwagi, M; Richards, T.
2008Water Balance, Well Pumping and Streamflow Analysis of the Upper Parker RiverHorsley Witten Group, Inc.
2008Handbook for Developing Watershed Plans to Restore and Protect Our WatersUS Environmental Protection Agency
2008Strategic Habitat Conservation Handbook: A Guide to Implementing the Technical Elements of Strategic Habitat Conservation (Version 1.0)US Fish & Wildlife Service
2007Reducing Stormwater Costs Through LID PracticesUS Environmental Protection Agency
2007Balancing the Water Budget in Ipswich, Massachusetts: Model Financing Mechanisms for Integrated Water Resources ManagementIpswich River Watershed Association
2006A Glass Half Full: The Future of Water in New EnglandTrout Unlimited
2005Parker River Watershed Action Plan (2006-2010)MA Executive Office of Environmental Affairs
2005Newbury Estuarine Management PlanMA Department of Conservation and Recreation
2005Community-Based Watershed Management HandbookUS Environmental Protection Agency
2004Crane Beach Management PlanThe Trustees of Reservations
2003Ipswich River Watershed Action PlanHorsley & Witten, Inc.
2003Status of River Herring on the North Shore of MassachusettsPurinton, T.; Doyle, F.; Stevenson, R.
2001Assessment of Habitat, Fish Communities, and Streamflow Requirements for Habitat Protection, Ipswich River, Massachusetts, 1998-99Armstrong, D.; Richards, T.; Parker, G.
2001Ipswich River Target Fish Community
2000The Marine Resources of the Parker River-Plum Island Sound Estuary: An Update after 30 YearsBuchsbaum, R.; Purinton, T.; Magnuson, B.
2000Parker River/Essex Bay ACEC Resource InventoryMA Office of Coastal Zone Management
1996Tidal Crossing Handbook: A Volunteer Guide to Assessing Tidal RestrictionsPurinton, T.A.; Mountain, D.C.
1996Tidal Crossings Inventory and Assessment Summary Report: Upper North Shore MassachusettsParker River Clean Water Association
1996Massachusetts Bays Comprehensive Conservation and Management PlanMA Bays Program
1947Parker River: A National Wildlife RefugeCarson, R.L.
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