Ipswich River Resiliency and Coastal Bank Stabilization Project
Ipswich River Resiliency Project team members examine several…
Maplecroft Farm Land Protection
In 2010, the Town of Ipswich, The Trust for Public Land, Essex County Greenbelt and…
Castle Neck Salt Marsh Restoration
Castle Neck Salt Marsh Restoration and Mosquito Management Project
Streamflow monitoring in the Upper Ipswich
Discontinued - Please visit PIE-Rivers Partners Streamflow Monitoring project page for current monitoring initiatives. Martins…
Willowdale Dam Fish Passage
The existing 1930’s era fish ladder at the Willowdale Dam on the Ipswich River is…
Recipe for Resiliency
The Recipe for Water Resiliency is an enhanced water conservation plan, based on the experiences…
Saltmarsh Ditch Restoration
Nancy Pau, wildlife biologist at Parker River Refuge, explains a ditch remediation technique used to…
Salem-School Street Inc. Land Protection Project
Map showing location of acquired property in the Upper Parker River WMA
Municipal Stormwater Codes: A Regional Review for Northeast Massachusetts
The Merrimack Valley Planning Commission, in partnership with the Merrimack Valley Stormwater Collaborative, Ipswich River…
Ox Pasture Brook Dam Removal
Before and after removal photos of Ox Pasture Brook lower dam site (hover over picture…
Georgetown Low Impact Development (LID) Bylaws
Location of the Town of Georgetown within the PIE-Rivers region