Ryan O’Donnell places an optical brightener sampler in Saltonstall Brook, part of an effort to identify a source of bacterial pollution that threatens the shellfish beds in Ipswich Bay.
Toolkit and Actions
Science and Prioritization
Monitoring and Technical Support
Lead Organization: Ipswich River Watershed Association
Project Contact: Ryan O’Donnell (IRWA)
About the Project
The Ipswich River Watershed Association is working in close partnership with the Town of Ipswich to isolate sources of bacterial contamination that are contributing to shellfish bed closures in the Ipswich Estuary. Ongoing sampling by the Mass. Division of Marine Fisheries (DMF) has indicated a source of bacterial contamination from downtown Ipswich that is threatening the shellfish beds in the river. IRWA staff and volunteers are using multiple methods to test for contamination sources in tributaries near the mouth of the Ipswich including Saltonstall, Kimball and Farley Brooks. The Ipswich Wastewater Treatment Plant is providing water testing services to support the project.