Toolkit and Actions
Science and Prioritization
Land Protection and Management
Lead Organization: Society for the Protection of New Hampshire Forests
Project Contact: Brian Hotz (SPNHF)
About the Project
One of the PIE-Rivers priority focus areas got a boost in April 2014 when the Merrimack Conservation Partnership (MCP) unveiled their new website showcasing a regional conservation plan and maps to assist land conservation planning in the Merrimack River region. Thanks to the efforts of our partner Essex County Greenbelt Association, the PIE-Rivers region was added to the MCP focus area based on its shared connection with the Great Marsh estuary. These important planning tools will help with coordination and fundraising efforts to protect our region’s most valuable resources.
During the most recent grant-making round, MCP awarded a grant to Essex County Greenbelt, a member of the PIE-Rivers Partnership. Greenbelt has entered into an historic partnership with two municipalities and a state agency to preserve critical watershed land and open space bordering the Upper Artichoke Reservoir in West Newbury. The land’s permanent protection will ensure it is forever managed and protected for drinking water, wildlife habitat, intact forests, scenic landscapes, climate resiliency and passive public recreation. It will also provide a significant trail link in a greenway stretching from Maudslay State Park to West Newbury’s Withers Conservation Area. For more on the latest grant round and prior projects funded through the MCP, click here.