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In 2013, the Partnership released a list of 50 recommended actions to protect and restore the region’s resources over the long term. The 2019 strategic planning process identified four priority areas and associated actions for implementation plan development.  Implementation plans increase the pace of on-the-ground restoration and resiliency efforts through partner collaborations and help inform short-term goals and efforts of the Steering Committee and Partners. You can review the 2025-2027 Implementation Plan and explore the priority actions in the plan below. (Note: the actions can be searched, filtered and sorted. Click on any action in the table to learn more details about the action including involved partners and related projects.

You may also download the PIE Rivers Action Plan 2019 Update, 2019 Action Plan Summary or original 2013 Restoration Priorities for the Parker, Ipswich and Essex River Watersheds documents.


In the table below is a list of 50 recommended actions outlined by the PIE-Rivers Steering Committee designed to protect and restore the region’s resources.

Action #NameNear-Term Priority
1Water Conservation OutreachWater Conservation
2Expand PIE-RiversNo
3Citizen StewardshipNo
4Water Quality OutreachNo
5Promote Low Impact DevelopmentLand Use Planning & Management
6Local Flow AwarenessNo
7Promote RestorationNo
8Identify Target Audiences for Expanded OutreachNo
9Link Ecosystem and EconomicsNo
10Support Solutions for Regional/Global IssuesNo
11Prioritize Conservation LandNo
12Prioritize Aquatic BarriersRiver and Stream Continuity
13Identify Factors Limiting Aquatic SpeciesNo
14Identify Water Quality ProblemsWater Quality Management
15Identify Stormwater PrioritiesNo
16Prioritize Degraded HabitatsNo
17Assess Climate Change VulnerabilityNo
18Research Water Conservation Economic DriversNo
19Develop Bird Conservation StrategyNo
20Assess Estuarine Habitat LimitationNo
21Research Stormwater Capture and StorageNo
22Provide MS4 SupportNo
23Monitor Aquatic SpeciesNo
24Develop River Health IndexNo
25Identify Ecological Restoration TargetsNo
26Monitor Invasive SpeciesNo
27Provide Stewardship ToolsWater Conservation and Land Use Planning & Management
28Monitor River FlowNo
29Address Estuarine Pollution SourcesWater Quality Management
30Provide Mapping Technical SupportNo
31Incentivize Water ConservationWater Conservation
32Create Model Municipal Integrated Water Resources Management ProgramNo
33Upgrade Stormwater SystemsWater Quality Management
34Limit Water Withdrawals from Sensitive AreasNo
35Develop Water Conservation ProgramNo
36Identify Water Protection GapsNo
37Implement Economic Water Management ToolsNo
38Water Resources LegislationNo
39Regional Land Protection and Conservation PlanNo
40Improve Land Use BylawsLand Use Planning & Management
41Improve Conservation Land StewardshipNo
42Protect Drinking Water SourcesNo
43Control Invasive SpeciesNo
44Remove Migration and Flow BarriersRiver and Stream Continuity
45Implement Additional Aquatic Species Restoration MeasuresNo
46Implement Demonstration Restoration ProjectsNo
47Restore Vegetative Buffers and FloodplainsNo
48Restore Salt MarshesNo
49Restore Priority Degraded HabitatNo
50Restore Estuarine Habitat ConditionsNo
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