The Essex Historical Society and Shipbuilding Museum (EHSSM), is a unique institution nestled along the…

Streams, Infrastructure & Flood Resiliency – Webinar & Workshop [RSVP by 2/22/2017]
Trout Unlimited, the US Forest Service and the US Fish & Wildlife Service are hosting 2 events in March 2017 focused on stream restoration, flood resiliency, disaster preparedness and post-disaster best management practices. The purpose of these events is to provide stream restoration education to highway administrators, planning professionals, local and state decision makers, and others who make decisions on the ground pre- and post-disaster. Here are some event details:
Event 1: An Introduction to Basic Stream and River Functions (Webinar Flyer)
- Meeting Type: Webinar
- Date: March 1, 2017
- Time: 12:30 pm to 1:30 pm EST
- RSVP by: February 22, 2017
- Please register via the ReadyTalk platform at: Webinar details will follow registration.
- This webinar is meant to be an introduction to the topics that will be covered in the Workshop (see below for more information), and is recommended for those who plan to attend the Workshop, or those who simply wish to learn about streams and rivers, and their relation to infrastructure.
- Cost: Free!
Event 2: Flood Resiliency & Stream Restoration Workshop (Workshop Flyer)
- Meeting Type: In-Person Workshop
- Date: March 8, 2017
- Time: 8:30 am to 4:30 pm EST
- Location: US Fish & Wildlife Service – Northeast Regional Office, Hadley, MA
- RSVP by: February 22, 2017
- Please register by replying to this email with your first and last name, email, and affiliation. Workshop registration is limited to 80 attendees.
- The workshop will consist of informational presentations in the morning and early afternoon, followed by an afternoon Q&A session between audience members and presenters. Directions and agenda will follow.
- Cost: Free! Breakfast and lunch also provided at no cost.
Continuing Education Credits:
- TU is currently in communication with the American Public Works Association (APWA) on how we can partner on these events so that we may offer highway managers, public work officials, etc. continuing education credits. We’ll follow up this email once we’ve confirmed we can offer education credits.
- TU is also pursuing being able to offer continuing education credits for Certified Floodplain Managers through the Association of State Floodplain Managers. We’ll follow up on this as well.
Funding for these events has been provided by the US Department of the Interior and US Fish &Wildlife via a Hurricane Sandy Disaster Relief Grant, and the US Forest Service.
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