The successful implementation of more than two thirds of the PIE-Rivers recommended actions require direct involvement from the region’s municipalities. The Municipal Services Program was launched in 2014 to provide support to towns as they work to implement these actions.
Many of the high priority actions also coincide with new and emerging state and federal regulatory requirements in areas such as water conservation, water infrastructure, stormwater management and road-stream crossings. Cost and staff capacity may be considerable hurdles for many of the region’s municipalities as they work to comply with these regulations. The Municipal Services Program is designed to facilitate cost effective compliance with these requirements in addition to encouraging implementation of best management practices relative to the Partnership’s recommended actions.
The Municipal Services Program focuses on supporting towns in their efforts to:
- understand and comply with existing and new water-related regulatory requirements and
- scope, fund and implement projects that address both municipal and PIE-Rivers priority actions
The primary purpose of this program is to provide towns with tools and/or services that help make compliance, infrastructure improvements and environmental stewardship cheaper and easier.
Regulatory Compliance
The program provides technical support, education, and resources to help municipalities navigate and comply with water-related regulations, including:
- Water Management Act;
- Dam Safety and Maintenance;
- Road-stream Crossing Standards;
- MS-4 Compliance.
Climate Resilience Planning
The program supports municipal efforts to improve resiliency planning, including review and update of local bylaws and incorporating nature-based solutions.
Watershed Infrastructure Improvements
The program works with municipalities to provide flow barrier assessment and prioritization for gray infrastructure in the watershed (bridges, culverts, dams), including risk assessment of failure and flooding, prioritization of repair or replacement, development of preliminary designs, and construction permitting and management.
Greenscapes Program
Greenscapes provides water conservation, landscape management, stormwater education, and outreach services assisting participating municipalities with MS-4 Compliance and more.
Project Funding and Management
The Municipal Services Program assists communities with:
- Understanding and accessing funding opportunities;
- Technical review of new development and other projects;
- Advocacy for local and state-wide regulations which support regional watershed goals.
For more information please contact Molly Courson (mcourson@pie-rivers.org, 978-412-8200)