The Essex Historical Society and Shipbuilding Museum (EHSSM), is a unique institution nestled along the…

PRCWA Annual Meeting with Turtle Rescue League [April 9, 2017]
Learn about the great work of the Turtle Rescue League (TRL) at the Parker River Clean Water Association’s Annual Meeting! TRL provides rescue, rehabilitation, and transportation services throughout all of Southern New England. Hear from the experts on how to care for a sick turtle, what to do about a turtle in the road or in your backyard. PRCWA has benefited greatly from the services of this wonderful organization. They have provided invaluable care for many of our classroom head-start Blanding’s Turtles.
The annual meeting will be held 1-3 PM, Sunday April 9th at the Newbury Library on Lunt Street in Byfield, exit 55 off Rt. 95, Central Street west a short distance to Lunt Street.
Refreshments will be served during a short intermission break
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