Yesterday was the PIE-Rivers Partnership’s Annual Meeting and a chance for the towns, organizations and…

PIE-Rivers Partnership Annual Meeting 2016
PIE-Rivers Restoration Partnership members and interested public are invited to the 2ndAnnual Partnership meeting to be held on December 6, 2016, at the Newbury Town Library in Byfield, MA. The meeting will include a review of the Partnership’s work in 2016 and a look ahead to 2017 priorities. PIE-Rivers partners are conservation and community leaders representing a wide range organizations, state and federal governmental agencies, and municipalities in the Parker, Ipswich, and Essex watersheds of the north shore. We share the common goal to promote healthy rivers and ecosystems in the coastal rivers of northeastern Massachusetts.
At the December meeting, presentations will be given on various regional issues and projects by PIE-Rivers Partners, including MassWildlife, the Mass Rivers Alliance, and the MA Division of Ecological Restoration. With the severe drought we are facing in 2016 affecting all areas of our work, discussions will center on the impacts of the drought to wildlife and natural systems, efforts to improve regulations and the state’s drought response, and ways the Partnership can work together to influence better regional water conservation.
PIE-Rivers Partnership Annual Meeting 2016
December 6, 2016
Newbury Library in Byfield
Partnership Update:
- 2016 Year in Review
- A look ahead-2017 priorities
- monitoring efforts
- trends and drought impacts
- ways to influence behavior
Drought Impacts on wildlife and ecosystems:
- potential long-term effects
State-Wide drought response:
- efforts to improve regulation
- private well impacts
For more information about the Partnership, please contact Brian Kelder at
To register for the Annual Meeting, email
Annual Meeting 2016 flyer-pdf
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