Following the recent clearing at Alewife Brook to improve fish passage, many people have been…
PIE-Rivers Action Plan Update

Environmental Planner for the Ipswich River Watershed Association Kristen Grubbs, Town of Ipswich Water Director Vicki Halman, George Comiskey of the Parker River Clean Water Association and Michelle Craddock of DER meet for a Water Quality Workshop.
The PIE-Rivers Action Plan is in the process of being updated this year. The update will incorporate current resiliency tools and an appendix with Implementation Plans focused on Land Use Planning, Water Quality Management, River & Stream Continuity and Water Quantity Planning.
These implementation plans are currently being developed through working groups comprised of Partner organizations, including local municipalities. In addition, the PIE-Rivers Steering Committee and Municipal Committee have merged, making way for a new Town Rep program.
The Town Rep program seeks to unite the 29 communities in the PIE-Rivers partnership region towards a common goal and strategy to address resiliency and water-related issues on a regional scale. To develop the Town Reps program, we will identify local leaders and champions in each community who agree to be our “eyes and ears” in their community, proactively communicating about projects and opportunities to address water-related issues, and supporting our communications with local town boards, committees, municipal staff, and neighbors.
The Town Reps will enable local engagement in all 29 PIE-Rivers Towns and will help promote implementation plans at the local level. We are excited to get to work on furthering progress on these priority focus areas and making Measurable, Attainable and Time-bound progress through collaboration and use of these implementation plans.
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