Culvert Replacement Municipal Assistance Grant Program The Division of Ecological Restoration (DER), Massachusetts Department of…

DER Announces Funding Opportunity for Culvert Replacement – Closes 1/27/2017
The Division of Ecological Restoration has funding available for Massachusetts municipalities to complete the critical collection of field data for culvert replacement design (field data collection) for a degraded or undersized culvert located in an area of high value for fish and wildlife habitat and which replacement would benefit community and ecological storm resiliency. The purpose of a field data collection is to gather technical information and analyses necessary to engineer and design a culvert or road-stream crossing to meet the goals of the Massachusetts River and Stream Crossing Standards. Eligible Projects must be located on a public way, owned and maintained by the town, and be associated with a freshwater, non-tidal stream crossing. Massachusetts municipalities are eligible to apply.
Interested communities can find more information in the RFR itself and are encouraged to contact Tim Chorey 617-626-1541; RFR LINKED HERE:
The deadline for the application is January 27, 2017. I can answer questions regarding potential projects up until January 16, 2017. After January 16, 2017 I can only answer technical questions about the application, and they must be submitted by email prior to January 20, 2017 5pm.
Thank you very much. I look forward to hearing from you.
Tim Chorey
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