Yesterday was the PIE-Rivers Partnership’s Annual Meeting and a chance for the towns, organizations and…

PIE-Rivers Annual Meeting [12/1/2015]
Join us on Tuesday, December 1st, 2015 (8:30 AM – noon) for the PIE-Rivers Annual Meeting.
The environmental issues affecting our watersheds beg for solutions that span political and organizational boundaries. Across the country, regional partnerships are restoring and protecting ecosystem services by increasing the capacity of individual organizations through collaboration.
PIE-Rivers has already been able to help secure funding for and advance several projects with strong regional implications. Join us as we explore opportunities to further this work. The program will feature highlights of PIE-Rivers supported work and a guest presentation from Martin McHugh, a national expert on conservation issues, who will focus on the role and power of partnerships to drive change.
Please RSVP by Friday November 20th: or 978-412-8200
- Martin McHugh, J.D. – Founder and President, McHugh Environmental Associates
- Joseph Cosgrove – Environmental Program Manager, Merrimack Valley Planning Commission
- Colin Lawson – New England Culvert Project Coordinator, Trout Unlimited
- David Santomenna – Associate Director of Land Conservation, The Trustees of Reservations