Yesterday was the PIE-Rivers Partnership’s Annual Meeting and a chance for the towns, organizations and…

Great Marsh Resiliency Planning Workshops
Task force members from the Great Marsh Community Resiliency Planning Project met last week in Salisbury and Ipswich to review documents identifying each community’s vulnerability to climate-driven threats. Concluding the first phase of the two-year planning effort, this meeting was the third time the task forces have come together for work sessions over the last six months. Members have analyzed maps, reviewed documents, and prioritized those community assets most vulnerable to coastal storms, sea level rise, inland flooding, and erosion. Roads, recreational sites, infrastructure, natural places, and habitats were all considered in these analyses.
Now it is time for these vulnerability analyses to get input from the general public! Please come see what your local task forces have been working so hard on.
Two upcoming community workshops will have opportunity for public review and comments.
November 12, 8:30am – 3:30pm. The Essex Room at Woodmans. Essex
The Great Marsh Coalition Sea Level Rise Symposium: Great Marsh Communities in Action Join fellow local officials, residents and partners to explore and discuss case studies of adaptation efforts to address sea level rise impacts in the Great Marsh. Lunch will be provided. Cost $15 before Oct 30, $20 after. Register today.
November 19, 6:30 – 8 pm. Salisbury Public Library.
This Community Workshop is to review assessments of municipal assets that are at risk from coastal storms, sea level rise, inland flooding, erosion, and other associated threats in the Great Marsh. The public is invited to share local knowledge and provide critical input on areas of concern in the communities of Salisbury, Newburyport, Newbury, Rowley, Ipswich, and Essex. RSVP to Kristen Grubbs at
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