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There are a variety of ways to contribute to the PIE-Rivers Partnership.

Become a Partner

A PIE-Rivers Partner is an agency, municipality, academic institution or non- governmental organization that actively participates in furthering the partnership mission by;

  1. Participating in at least 1 PIE-Rivers meeting per year either as a Committee member or by attending the general partner meeting.
  2. Designating a staff member(s) as a point of contact for the partnership
  3. Agreeing to have your organization listed as a participating member on the PIE-Rivers website  and providing us with your logo (for those organizations that are able, we strongly encourage listing your participation in the Partnership on your website and linking to the PIE-Rivers site)
  4. Providing periodic updates to the PIE-Rivers coordinators regarding your organization’s projects that relate to the PIE-Rivers mission and Action Plan.

Please contact Erin Bonney Casey ( to become a partner.

Partner Benefits

The PIE-Rivers Partnership brings together conservation and community leaders representing a wide of range organizations, state and federal governmental agencies, and municipalities to work on environmental issues ranging from water quality protection to open space protection within the three watersheds of the Great Marsh Area of Critical Environmental Concern (ACEC). Partners share ideas, pool resources and work together to meet common goals to protect the environment of this world class watershed. Partnerships bring the benefit of economy of scale with the sharing of resources, knowledge and funding opportunities. When local partners come together in partnership it also brings increased credibility, which in the eyes of the public translates into believability and motivates a change in behavior. Organizations and agencies have a limited amount of time, resources and money to conduct their work; pairing with other partners can increase their capacity to protect, preserve and restore the environment and enhance their missions.

As a PIE-Rivers Partner you will be able to

  • Stay up to date on happenings (e.g. new regulations, projects)
  • Increase the visibility and impact of your work
  • Track cumulative results of your work in a regional context
  • Collaborate on funding opportunities
  • Leverage collective resources to increase on the ground restoration

Tell us About Your Work

We would love to know what you’re working on in any of the three watersheds, the Parker, Ipswich and Essex. By sharing your project you can help us better work together and understand how our ongoing or planned efforts fit in with the rest of the work in the region, and how to function more effectively and strategically.

Please submit projects and updates here or contact Molly Courson ( to submit a project.

Stay up to Date

PIE-Rivers was formed to increase communication, coordination and collaboration between those involved in restoration, preservation and management of the watersheds. We have set up an email mailing list to help keep partners and interested citizens informed about relevant work and events going on in the region. Please subscribe to our email newsletter to stay up to date!

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